
During the past few years as a certified personal trainer, I have worked with individuals in a wide age-range and with varying levels of ability. I was a strength instructor for six 12-week sessions of the LIVESTRONG @ YMCA Program, a free exercise program for cancer survivors, at Hays Communities YMCA. I taught a weekly exercise class for breast cancer survivors at Seton Breast Care Center in Austin for almost two years. I am an instructor through AGE of Central Texas: Matter of Balance course (for individuals with a fear of falling) and Savvy Caregiver course (for caregivers who have loved ones with dementia).

Fitness beyond physical therapy, cardiac rehab and cancer treatment …

If you’ve graduated from a doctor-prescribed exercise program after an orthopedic injury / surgery, a cardiac incident / surgery, or cancer treatment / surgery and need some guidance in order to continue exercising, I can help. After assessing your current fitness level, I will work with you to create a personalized progressive workout program.

Fitness to conquer a fear of falling …

If you’ve fallen recently or have a fear of falling, I can help. I will work with you to help strengthen your core and legs and give you exercises to help improve your balance.

Fitness and dementia …

If you or someone you know has dementia, you may have thought that regular exercise is no longer an option. In fact, supervised exercise is beneficial at most stages of dementia, and I can help. I am familiar with all stages and the capabilities a person has during each stage.

Cancer Exercise Specialist
eCornell — Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition